Christmas Day 1919 in Livingston NJ?
These photos were taken at the John Ashby home on Mt. Pleasant Ave., Livingston, New Jersey.
It says on the back of the “Sons-in-Law” picture that it was taken Christmas Day, 1919 or 1920. Both pictures were taken on the same day.
My puzzlement…Where is all the snow?! I’ve tried to find the historical weather for that time frame but haven’t been able to find it online, yet.
UPDATE May, 2023
Well here I am looking at these pictures again…and not only is there no snow! There are leaves on the trees and bushes and the grass looks to be growing too! Also, in the sons-in-law photo, there is a little girl, I think it is Alice Adele Conkiling Richter in the background in a short sleeved dress and no coat. Perhaps it’s Thanksgiving or maybe Easter, but I really don’t think it’s Christmas Day…just thinking!
Clockwise from left bottom:
Lou Vinson
Jack Ashby – son
Ray Conkling
Tom Collins
John Ashby
Frank Porter
Emily Buhle Ashby is in the middle
In the background of the “Sons-in-Law picture is Aunt Hazel in a chair and daughter Alice Adele standing in front of another woman that I don’t know who it is.
Here they are with their Wives
Clockwise from top step:
Lyle Adele “Auntie Del” m. Tom Collins
Lillian Mable “Auntie May” m. Frank Porter
Alice Hazel “Auntie Hazel” m. Ray Conkling
Emily Mildred “Aunt Mil” or Bumpsie m. Lou Vinson
These pictures were taken the same day…
The back of one of these photos says about 1917 or so~ The dates on the back of these two pictures were added sometimes years later by other people. My best guess, judging by how old Alice Adele looks in the Son-in-Law photo, is that all the pictures were taken about 1919-1920, which is written on the back of the Sons-in-Law photo, to me she looks at least 2 and maybe 4 or 5, she was born in 1916.
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